Town Profile

  1. Nilakottai Town Panchayat Located 28.00 K.M distance from Dindugal District.
  2. Nearest Railway Station Name : KODAI ROAD , This Railway Station Located 8.00 k.m Distance from nilakottai
  3. Nearest Airport Located in : MADURAI
  4. Bus Route Details : : VATHALAGUNDU TO MADURAI
  1. MARIYAMMAN KOVIL - Ward No : 15 - Street Name - PARAI STREET
  2. PERUMAL KOVIL - Ward No : 14 - Street Name - PERUMAL KOVIL STREET
  3. NATARAJAR KOVIL - Ward No : 12 - Street Name - SATHIRAM STREET
  5. PALLIVASAL - Ward No : 4 - Street Name - PALLIVASAL STREET
  6. CHURCH - Ward No : 12 - Street Name - AMERICAN MISSION STREET
  7. CHURCH RC - Ward No : 6 - Street Name - MADURAI ROAD
  9. - Ward No : 0 - Street Name -
Festival Name How many Days Celebrated Which Month Celebrated No of Peoples ParticipatedNotified/Non Notified
Nearest City Name Direction Distance from Town Panchayat
DINDIGULEast28.00 K.m
MADURAINorth48.00 K.m
PALANISouth71.00 K.m

Nilakottai Town Panchayat coming under the administrative territory of Nilakottai Taluk, Dindigul  District.  This Town constituted in the year of 1958 1st grade Town Panchayat.  In the year 1983 Director of Rural Development Dept ,chennai as per  Proceeding No.1920421970/ dates: 15..06.1970 constituted as Selection Grade.  This Town Panchayat is coming under municipal Act from the year 1996. In the year 11.6.2004 wide G.O.No.270 Date. 04.06.2004 It as called Special Village Panchayat.  Again on 14.7.2006 wide G.O.No.55 date14.07.2006 as Town Panchayat.

        In this Town Panchayat Municipal act has been implemented and followed.  Total Area of panchayat 9.90 sq km Total 25.970 k.m of roads, Total 21.00km of Storm water drain, Total 30.00 km pipe lines has been Maintained by town Panchayat.

        The ancient temple of Sri Narasinga Perumal kovil , Mariamman Kovil  in the town panchayat Nilakottai is center to various towns. (Vathalagundu, Pannaikadu, Chinnalapatty, Vedasundur,)

                This city population is in 1991 Cense 14770 as for 2001 Cense 19615, 2011 census 22195 present population is 24425 Total No.of Assesment  7841 Total No.wards 15. 

        This town has a fairly healthy climate. The maximum temperature normally occurs in the month of may while the minimum temperature in winter occurs in December.               

                This Town limit 1200 acrees water Catchments Peranai and near the well-known Vaigai River. So there is no water scarcity in this town. Further to this  town panchayat maintained 10  km pipeline, 11 No. Of OHT,  with the help of above Facility the Town Panchayat giving  70.00 LPCD to the Population.

                The town is very famous for Flower Market,  Daily Market and Brassvelssels shops located and   due to this reason the Floating population is 45000 from this town daily waste Generate by Head is around 300 grams. Total collection of waste is 4  MT.

 It is an improtant trading centre for flower, braze vichels, and Gold stops.  It has also 2 large scale, 8 medium scale and 50 small scale industries.Spread over an area of, With a population of 22198 as per 2011 census.





            Nilakkottai is located in the Dindigul district of the state; It is one of the most important Agriculture center of Tamil Nadu. The  town is situated at a distance of 450 kms to the South - West of Chennai and at the intersection  11O 05' Longitude and 81O 25' latitude.

It  is located on the Madurai-Periyakulam Main Road. It is also, other wise well connected by Highway Road and Railway Near 8 k.m . It is also near about the queen of hills Kodaikannal.  The vaigai rever also near about 10 K.m from the Town.  Arrow the Town the vaigaidam  situated. Being a Calm, medium sized Town having fairly good access and year long attractive climate condition.  The Town with in the range of 50 km (straight distance)  from Nilakkottai are Madurai, Dindigul, Theni, Sholavanthan regional setting of Nilakkottai.





Government Transport Corporations play number of buses. Private transports and mini bus services are also operated day and night. Bus stand with all its facilities is located in the heart of the town. There is a good transport net work system in the town.

Nilakkottai  is in between Batalagundu-Madurai  and KodaiKanl- Madurai and Palani – Madurai  bus route.  This is in Dindigul  district Distance in 38 Km.  It is 58 km from Madurai

Nearest Railway Station

The nearest is in Kodairoad  at 10 km.


The nearest airport is in Madurai Avaniyapuram  at 48 Km.

Distance from District H.Q.

NilaKotai  is in between Periyakulam – Madurai  State Highway.  This is in Dindigul District Distance in 38 Km.