Thottiam is One of the Selection Grade Town Panchayat in Tiruchirappalli District of Tamil Nadu. This Town is Located at a distance of 14 KM from Musiri Town and 60 KM from Tiruchirappalli and 36KM from Namakkal . Total Area of this Town is 15.93 Sq KM. with the Population of 14924 . The Major Occupation of the People of this Town is agriculture.
bjh£oa« nj®Îãiy ng%uh£Á ÂU¢Áuh¥gŸë kht£l« , bjh£oa« t£l¤Âš mikªJŸsJ. Ï¥ng%uh£Á KÁ¿æèUªJ 14 Ñ.ä ÂU¢Áuh¥gŸëæèUªJ 60 Ñ.ä k‰W« ehk¡fèš ÏUªJ 36 Ñ.ä bjhiyéY« mikªJŸsJ. Ï¥ng%uh£Áæ‹ bkh¤j k¡fŸ bjhif 14924 MF« . Ï¥ng%uh£Áæ‹ gu¥gsÎ 15.93 rJu »nyhÛ£l® MF«. Ï¥ng%uh£Á k¡fë‹ Kj‹ikahd bjhêš étrha« MF«.
Town Information
City Name: | Thottiam Town Panchayat |
Area in SqKm | 15.930 |
District | TRICHY |
Taluk | THOTTIAM |
Name of Assembly Constituency | MUSIRI |
Name of Parliment Constituency | PERAMBALUR |
No of Wards | 15 |
No of Streets | 85 |
2011 Population | 14909 |
Present Population | 17294 |